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Twinzo C# development kit

.NET 8 SDK for digital twin developers used to connect your C# code with twinzo platform.

Providing whole API Endpoint communication methods and data contracts for easy serialization and transporting.

Nuget package

SDK Nuget package is publicly available for developers to use twinzo platform API right from Visual Studio IDE.

Please read Package & Repository - tDevKit section for more informations and instructions do get known, how to install SDK.


Rest json/protobuf API for registered twinzo clients and partners provides fully capable interface for bidirectional digital twin integration.

API Endpoint for each digital twin module uses same authorization methods to provide all system unification into single instance - twinzo.

Documentation & Examples (V3)


The first thing you need to do is create the base object by which the functionality will be accessible:

ConnectionOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder = new ConnectionOptionsBuilder();
ConnectionOptions connectionOptions = optionsBuilder
DevkitConnectorV3 devkitConnector = (DevkitConnectorV3) DevkitFactory.CreateDevkitConnector(connectionOptions);

Through the DevkitConnectorV3 object are accessible all the functions implemented in tDevkit. As of V3, Most of the functionality is ready to be used after specifying the Api Key in ConnectionOptions object. However, there is a small number of functions you need to be authenticated for due to their nature. These functions are mentioned in the Full list of functions section.


Below are a few examples with dummy data.

Getting objects

Getting all objects (f.e. Area type):

AreaContract[] areas = await devkitConnector.GetAreas();

Getting an object by ID:

DeviceContract device = await devkitConnector.GetDevice(3);

Getting an object by login (if said object's class has login property):

SensorContract sensor = await devkitConnector.GetSensor("login");

Most of the GET functions are able to be further customized to your needs by taking in queryString parameter. With this parameter you can specify additional query options (order, limit, expand etc.) according to the OData standard.
Ordering by property:

LayerContract[] layers = await devkitConnector.GetLayers("?$orderby=Updated");

Expanding by another related data model:

SectorContract sector = await devkitConnector.GetSector(1, "?$expand=Beacons");

And more...

Adding objects

Successfully adding an object returns it back with its alocated ID (and with freshly generated GUID, if such object is in question).

DeviceContract deviceDummy = new DeviceContract
    Mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00",
    BranchId = 1,
    SectorId = 1,
    Login = "login",
    Title = "login",
    X = 100.0,
    Y = 100.0,
    IsMoving = false,
    FallStatus = FallType.OK,
    DeviceTypeId = 8,
    Position = false,
    Geofence = false

DeviceContract device = await devkitConnector.AddDevice(deviceDummy);
SensorDataContract data1 = new SensorDataContract
    Quantity = "Temperature",
    Value = "16",
    Unit = "°C",
    DataType = "Single",
	Index = 0
SensorDataContract data2 = new SensorDataContract
    Quantity = "Humidity",
    Value = "31",
    Unit = "%",
    DataType = "Single",
	Index = 1
SensorDataContract[] sensorDataContracts = new SensorDataContract[] { data1, data2 };

SensorContract sensorDummy = new SensorContract
    Login = "login",
    Title = "title",
    SectorId = 2,
    SensorData = sensorDataContracts,

SensorContract sensor = await devkitConnector.AddSensor(sensorDummy);


DistanceContract[] distanceContract1 = new DistanceContract[] 
	new DistanceContract {BeaconId = 34, RSSI= -55},
	new DistanceContract {BeaconId = 35, RSSI= -60},
	new DistanceContract {BeaconId = 36, RSSI= -45}

LocationContract[] locationContract = new LocationContract[]
	new LocationContract {SectorId = 1, Battery = 100, IsMoving = true, Timestamp = 1599644652178,X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, Interval = 300, Distances = distanceContract1 },
	new LocationContract {SectorId = 2, Battery = 100, IsMoving = true, Timestamp = 1599644652178,X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, Interval = 300, Distances = distanceContract1 },
	new LocationContract {SectorId = 3, Battery = 100, IsMoving = true, Timestamp = 1599644652178,X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, Interval = 300, Distances = distanceContract1 },
	new LocationContract {SectorId = 4, Battery = 100, IsMoving = true, Timestamp = 1599644652178,X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0, Interval = 300, Distances = distanceContract1 },

DeviceLocationContract[] deviceLocationContract = new DeviceLocationContract[] { new DeviceLocationContract { Login = "login", Locations = locationContract } };

await devkitConnector.AddLocalizationData(deviceLocationContract);

Sensor Data

SensorDataContract data1 = new SensorDataContract
    Quantity = "Temperature",
    Value = "16",
    Unit = "°C",
    DataType = "Single",
	Index = 0
SensorDataContract data2 = new SensorDataContract
    Quantity = "Humidity",
    Value = "31",
    Unit = "%",
    DataType = "Single",
	Index = 1
SensorDataContract data3 = new SensorDataContract
    Quantity = "CO2",
    Timestamp = 1614599484673,
    Value = "800",
    DataType = "Int32",
    Unit = "unit",
	Index = 2
SensorDataContract[] sensorDataContracts = new SensorDataContract[] { data1, data2, data3 };

SensorContract sensor = new SensorContract
    Login = "login",
    SensorData = sensorDataContracts,
SensorContract[] sensorContracts = new SensorContract[] { sensor };

await devkitConnector.AddSensorData(sensorContracts);

Full list of functions

  • Areas
    • GetAreas() - Get all areas
    • GetArea(id) - Get area by ID
  • Authorization
    • Authenticate(login, password) - Authenticate with login and password as user/device/sensor
  • Beacons
    • GetBeacons() - Get all beacons
    • GetBeacon(id) - Get beacon by ID
    • AddBeacon(beaconContract) - Add a beacon with specified properties
    • UpdateBeacon(beaconContract) - Update an existing beacon with new properties
    • DeleteBeacon(id) - Delete an existing beacon by ID
  • Branches
    • GetBranches() - Get all branches
    • GetBranch(id) - Get branch by ID
  • Clients
    • GetClients() - Get all clients
  • Configuration
    • GetBranchConfiguration(key) - Get branch configuration with specified key
    • GetAccountConfiguration(key) - Get account configuration with specified key
    • GetConfigurationLastChange(key) - Get branch configuration with specified key
  • Devices
    • GetDevices() - Get all devices
    • GetDevice(id) - Get device by ID
    • GetDevice(login) - Get device by login
    • GetDynamicDevices() - Get devices with dynamic position
    • GetDynamicDevicesShort() - Get shortened form of dynamic devices grouped by sectors
    • AddDevice(deviceContract) - Add a device with specified properties
    • UpdateDevice(deviceContract) - Update an existing device with new properties
    • DeleteDevice(id) - Delete an existing device by ID
  • Layers
    • GetLayers() - Get all layers
    • GetLayer(id) - Get layer by ID
  • Localization
    • AddLocalizationData(deviceLocationContract) - Add localization data for multiple devices in batch mode
    • AddLocalizationData(locationContract) - Add localization data for single device (in order to do this you need to be authenticated as said device - this can be avoided when using the batch mode above - Example)
  • Sectors
    • GetSectors() - Get all sectors
    • GetSector(id) - Get sector by ID
    • AddSector(sectorContract) - Add a sector with specified properties
    • UpdateSector(sectorContract) - Update an existing sector with new properties
    • DeleteSector(id) - Delete an existing sector by ID
  • Sensors
    • GetSensors() - Get all sensors
    • GetSensor(id) - Get sensor by ID
    • GetSensor(login) - Get sensor by login
    • AddSensor(sensorContract) - Add a sensor with specified properties
    • UpdateSensor(sensorContract) - Update an existing sensor with new properties
    • DeleteSensor(id) - Delete an existing sensor by ID
    • AddSensorData(sensors) - Add sensor data for multiple sensors in batch mode
    • AddSensorData(sensorData) - Add sensor data for single sensor (in order to do this you need to be authenticated as said sensor - this can be avoided when using the batch mode above - Example)
    • GetSensorAppInfo() - Get information (version, size) about the sensor app
  • Shifts
    • GetShifts() - Get all shifts
    • GetShift(id) - Get shift by ID
  • Users
    • GetUserInfo() - Get information about the current user (in order to do this you need to be authenticated as said user)
  • Utils
    • GetDemoFilesInfo() - Get information (version, size, name) about all the demo files
    • GetFile(fileName) - Get byte representation of the specified file
    • GetDemoFile(fileName) - Get byte representation of the specified demo file
    • GetUnityLastVersion(platform) - Get the last version of the Unity app
    • GetUnityBundleInfo(bundleName) - Get information (version, size, name) about the Unity Bundle

Future features

  • protobuffers serialization
  • automated order system(AOS) for logistics integration
  • TCS implementation
  • Logs implementation
  • MQTT communication protocol implementation