diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 006fb0da1d246b419b376bd526ec9bb75c4ffd31..38fb1712054d7fc65578c965d778b8ddba47b1e9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ await devkitConnector.AddSensorData(sensorContracts);
 * **Areas**
 	* `GetAreas()` - Get all areas
 	* `GetArea(id)` - Get area by ID
+	* `AddArea(areaContract)` - Add an area with specified properties
+	* `UpdateArea(areaContract)` - Update an existing area with new properties
+	* `DeleteArea(id)` - Delete an existing area by ID
 * **Authorization**
 	* `Authenticate(login, password)` - Authenticate with login and password as user/device/sensor
 * **Beacons**
diff --git a/SDK/Connection/V3/Layers.cs b/SDK/Connection/V3/Layers.cs
index ff91eb3ef8b8192265311d13e7e3e7bcb006dea2..5fb8842c20f45570559f56bb069f4cf12d03c6f9 100644
--- a/SDK/Connection/V3/Layers.cs
+++ b/SDK/Connection/V3/Layers.cs
@@ -47,5 +47,25 @@ namespace SDK
             return response;
+        public async Task<LayerContract> AddLayer(LayerContract layer)
+        {
+            string subUrl = Address.UrlCombine(Address.Layers);
+            var response = await PostRequest<LayerContract>(subUrl, layer);
+            return response;
+        }
+        public async Task UpdateLayer(LayerContract layer)
+        {
+            string subUrl = Address.UrlCombine(Address.Layers, Convert.ToString(layer.Id));
+            await PatchRequest<LayerContract>(subUrl, layer);
+        }
+        public async Task DeleteLayer(int id)
+        {
+            string subUrl = Address.UrlCombine(Address.Layers, Convert.ToString(id));
+            await DeleteRequest(subUrl);
+        }
diff --git a/SDK/SDK.csproj b/SDK/SDK.csproj
index 437f3bd426d03beb130160b68ef56d4aaf80936f..3aa8f8a11ecd64ffbad8149e791d470efca3ed20 100644
--- a/SDK/SDK.csproj
+++ b/SDK/SDK.csproj
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-    <Version>5.2.0</Version>
+    <Version>5.3.0</Version>
diff --git a/Test/Test/V3/Layers.cs b/Test/Test/V3/Layers.cs
index 7578b27aeede0dcbf537764e19b556a2c9bb8706..da4ded08d7d3326ed3e26f597aca895116ab2105 100644
--- a/Test/Test/V3/Layers.cs
+++ b/Test/Test/V3/Layers.cs
@@ -21,19 +21,108 @@ namespace Test.V3
             server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS + "/localization").UsingPost())
-                .RespondWith(
-                    Response.Create()
-                    .WithStatusCode(200)
-                    .WithBodyAsJson(new LayerContract[] {
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                .WithBodyAsJson(
+                    new LayerContract[] {
                         new LayerContract(){
                             Id = 1,
-                    })
-            );
+                    }));
             var response = await devkitConnector.GetLocalizationLayers(bodyContent);
+            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(LayerContract[]));
+        }
+        [TestCategory("Layer")]
+        [TestMethod]
+        public async Task GetNoGoLayers_ShouldReturnLayers()
+        {
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS + "/device/login").UsingGet())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                .WithBodyAsJson(new LayerContract[]
+                {
+                    new LayerContract()
+                    {
+                        Id = 1,
+                    }
+                }));
+            var response = await devkitConnector.GetNoGoLayers("login");
             Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(LayerContract[]));
+        [TestCategory("Layer")]
+        [TestMethod]
+        public async Task GetLayers_ShouldReturnLayers()
+        {
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS).UsingGet())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                .WithBodyAsJson(new LayerContract[]
+                {
+                    new LayerContract()
+                    {
+                        Id = 1,
+                    }
+                }));
+            var response = await devkitConnector.GetLayers();
+            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(LayerContract[]));
+        }
+        [TestCategory("Layer")]
+        [TestMethod]
+        public async Task GetLayer_ShouldReturnLayer()
+        {
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS + "/1").UsingGet())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                               .WithBodyAsJson(new LayerContract()
+                               {
+                    Id = 1,
+                }));
+            var response = await devkitConnector.GetLayer(1);
+            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(LayerContract));
+        }
+        public async Task AddLayer_ShouldReturnLayer()
+        {
+            var layer = new LayerContract()
+            {
+                Id = 1,
+            };
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS).UsingPost())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                               .WithBodyAsJson(layer));
+            var response = await devkitConnector.AddLayer(layer);
+            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(response, typeof(LayerContract));
+        }
+        [TestCategory("Layer")]
+        [TestMethod]
+        public async Task UpdateLayer_ShouldReturnOk()
+        {
+            var layer = new LayerContract()
+            {
+                Id = 1,
+            };
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS + "/1").UsingPatch())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200)
+                                              .WithBodyAsJson(layer));
+            await devkitConnector.UpdateLayer(layer);
+        }
+        [TestCategory("Layer")]
+        [TestMethod]
+        public async Task DeleteLayer_ShouldReturnOk()
+        {
+            server.Given(Request.Create().WithPath(PATH_BASE + LAYERS + "/1").UsingDelete())
+                .RespondWith(Response.Create().WithStatusCode(200));
+            await devkitConnector.DeleteLayer(1);
+        }